Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Slaughter pics are now up

Hey everyone just posted the Summer Slaughter photos go check them out

Summer Slaughter Tour

Hello everyone,

I am currently editing photos from Summer Slaughter but i thought i should give you a teaser or two

Alex Hofmann of Fallujah

Derek “Demon Carcass” Rydquist of the Faceless preforming one night only 

All Stars Tour

July 12, 2014 I was fortunate enough to photograph the All Stars Tour's stop in Austin at the Mohawk, a big thank you goes out to Anthony of Come and Take it Productions for having me as their photographer for the show. Here are some of the images i took.

All Stars Tour at the Mohawk

Justin Roberts- Apothica
Lucy LeNoir- Apothica

BETRAYING THE MARTYRS- Aaron Matts, Baptiste Vigier and Valentin Hauser

BETRAYING THE MARTYRS- Aaron Matts, Baptiste Vigier and Valentin Hauser

Dom Aluotto of Handed To The Thousands

Oliver, Jon and Nick jumped in the crowd during their set

I See Stars- Devin Oliver, Zach Johnson, Jeff Valentine

Brent Allen- I See Stars
Isaac Lamb- Kublai Khan
Matt Honeycutt of Kublai Kahn letting a fan sing lyrics 
Aaron Evans of Like Moths to Flames

Chris Roetter of Like Moths to Flames

Mutrix-James Ruehlmann 

Mutrix-James Ruehlmann 

Louis Miceli of Palisades catching some air

Palisades- Louis Miceli- Vocals  Matt Marshall - Guitar Xavier Adames - Guitar/Vocals Earl Halasan - Producer/DJ Brandon Sidney - Bass Aaron Rosa - Drums
Andrew Mena- Slaves touring bass player
Jonny Craig- Slaves
Derek Bolman- Sworn In

Tyler Dennen- Sworn In

Vincent Bennett- The Acacia Strain

Devin Shidaker- The Acacia Strain

Gabriele Magrini- Upon This Dawning

Matteo Botticini- Upon This Dawning

If you have liked these sneak peeks then head over to my flickr and check out everything i shot that day

Thursday, July 24, 2014

About Me

I am Jessy Ann Huff. I am a live music photographer. I fell in love with photographing live music after a friend asked me to take pictures of their band. I love photographing the energy a musician has on the stage. Being able to look at an image I captured and being able to remember the show, the crowd is what i really love about it all. 

Feel free to add me on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook

Feel free to Email as well.